Arizona CCW Classes & Tactical Outdoor Gear
CCW Classes Firearms Instruction Tactical Outdoor Gear Survival Classes Personal Protection Equipment All Season Outdoor Activities
APEX Outdoor Club/APEX Firearms Training is a veteran owned and operated Tactical and Outdoor company owned and ran by Chase Thompson. With elite and hard charging instructors from backgrounds ranging from Military, Govt agencies and outdoor experts, APEX OC excursions and accommodations are provided through the Limited Liability Company providing disabled veteran outdoors enthusiasts with the same experiences as those more able.
APEX OC currently is organized by Chase Thompson. APEX OC was unofficially founded in February 2017 by 4 guys; 3 of them being Veterans, two being retired under medical conditions, from injuries sustained in service.
All funding for APEX OC excursions and accommodations has so far been bootstrapped by the founders of APEX OC, and they have been receiving donations from donors to assist. APEX OC was formally established as a Limited Liability Company on April 21st, 2022. APEX OC is looking forward to the future and providing disabled veteran outdoors enthusiasts with the same experience as those who are able.
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Upcoming Classes
Glendale Concealed Carry Weapons Permit Class
Glendale Concealed Carry Weapons Permit Class
Glendale Concealed Carry Weapons Permit Class
Glendale Concealed Carry Weapons Permit Class
Glendale Concealed Carry Weapons Permit Class
Glendale Concealed Carry Weapons Permit Class
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